School-to-Work Connection
Job Shadow, Internship, and Work-Based Learning experiences provide students an opportunity to build career awareness while earning high school credit for the experience. Students are screened prior to approval for these experiences.
School-to-work Connection
Job Shadow, Internship, and Work-Based Learning experiences provide students an opportunity to build career awareness while earning high school credit for the experience. Students are screened prior to approval for these experiences.
- Job Shadowing is available to students in grades 10 through 12. Students are excused from school for a half-day or full-say job-shadow experience with a mentor in a career field of interest
- Internships are available for credit during the school day for 11th and 12th graders. Under the supervision of mentors, students may intern for one or more terms in multiple career fields or areas of specialty.
- Work-Based Learning is available to 12th grade students who may work one or more terms with a community-based employer/mentor to learn occupational skills during the school day.
In addition to career exploration and preparation, the on-campus Work Seminar course includes foundational Knowledge and work-readiness skills with a goal of developing critical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Aptitude and personality analyses are incorporated, along with safety, responsibility, resume and interview preparation.
Job Shadowing
Job Shadowing is available to students in grades 10 through 12. Students are excused from school for a half-day or full-say job-shadow experience with a mentor in a career field of interest
Work-Based Learning
Work-Based Learning is available to 12th grade students who may work one or more terms with a community-based employer/mentor to learn occupational skills during the school day.
Work Seminar
Work Seminar is an on-campus business course used in conjunction with Internship and Work-Based Learning experiences. Students interested in obtaining high school credit through Interning should register for Work Seminar. This course gives students the opportunity to explore various careers and build essential foundational skills in the areas of problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking. Aptitude and personality analysis are explored along with work safety, resume building, interview preparation, and budgeting. Soft skills taught throughout the course include responsibility at the workplace, taking initiative, reliability, workplace ethics, and communication skills.